Saturday, February 24, 2007

The Battle Between "P"s and "J"s

So Thursday's movie was "Music and Lyrics". It was surprisingly good....a bit cliche in parts, but overall pretty entertaining (especially for those of us who grew up in the 80s). It was a prime example of the clash of the Js and the Ps......Don't worry, I'll explain myself.

If you've ever taken the Myers-Briggs type indicator test, you know that you are assigned four letters that sum up your preferences. Think of each of these as a continuum. We all fall somewhere on the continuum and aren't solely one type, but generally lean one way or the other. The first preference is introvert/extrovert (do you get energy from being around others or from being alone). The second is sensing/intuitive (the way in which you take in information). The third is feeling/thinking (how you evaluate information and make decisions). And the fourth - the J and the P - is Judging/Perceiving (your lifestyle).

Here's a quick synopsis of the differences between Js and Ps:

Js: / Ps:
Value structure / Like to go with the flow
Plan ahead / Adapt as they go
Like Order / Like flexibility
Goal-oriented /Process-oriented
More structured / More easy-going
Like things settled and decided / Like things open and spontaneous

Being in a psychology field, of course I have an interest in human behavior. I've always found the Myers-Briggs fascinating, and at one point read a book on speedreading people. I discovered that the people I work most closely with at work are all "J"s, while I am a "P". One in particular (who shall remain nameless), is more J than the others. She is very scheduled, gets things done way ahead of time (and nags me when I don't), keeps an extremely tidy office, and is bugged by things being out of place. She can't even eat a sandwich when the meat and cheese are hanging off the edge. Sometimes, when we're in her office, I'll toss something on the floor just to see how long it takes her to compulsively pick it up. Sometimes she's on to me, but it's still interesting to see how unfocused she becomes when something is on the floor. So we give each other a hard time about our foibles. We Ps are often classified as being irresponsible and unorganized (which isn't necessarily true).

Anyway, Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore were a classic example of the P/J clash. She was very flighty and spontaneous, while he was very neat and tidy. As she came into the apartment to water his plants, she unfailingly tried to drop her purse and coat on his baby grand. He was so perturbed by this, he barely let them touch the piano before he had them moved. When they decide to pair up to try their hand at song writing, she moves the furniture. This obviously drives him nuts and he complains that she's in his space. Really, just go see the movie. You'll see what I'm talking about. It is interesting how two people who seem so opposite can hit it off so well (I'm not giving anything away, but it is a romantic comedy you know).

So, BTW, if you haven't taken the Myers-Briggs, here's a place where you can take a free test.... Let me know how it turns out for you.
And here is a site with both a brief and more detailed profile of your type: BTW, in case you're wondering, I'm an INFP.


Niki said...


Did you have me pegged correctly? This is fascinating stuff! I'm going to try to read a few of those books mentioned on the site.

Funny that we're opposites and best friends. Than again, my husband is opposite of me as well. The old saying must be true...Opposites attract!

Tawnya said...

Niki: I had you right on the nose! Like I said, I would have been really surprised if you were anything else. I have a book you can borrow when you come out.

We may be opposite on two of the four, but we're both NFs (which is a whole sub-category called, Ideal seekers). According to the profiles for our types, my ideal match is an ENFJ and one of yours is an INFP. How cool is that!?

The P and J in us probably don't clash because we don't work or live together! The way things are, I admire your organization, and you have said you like my adventurous spirit. If we worked together, we might occasionally get irked with the other's style (though I think we'd work quite well together).

Tawnya said...

Niki: I had you right on the nose! Like I said, I would have been really surprised if you were anything else. I have a book you can borrow when you come out.

We may be opposite on two of the four, but we're both NFs (which is a whole sub-category called, Ideal seekers). According to the profiles for our types, my ideal match is an ENFJ and one of yours is an INFP. How cool is that!?

The P and J in us probably don't clash because we don't work or live together! The way things are, I admire your organization, and you have said you like my adventurous spirit. If we worked together, we might occasionally get irked with the other's style (though I think we'd work quite well together).

Krystal said...

Tawnya, I'm also an ENFJ, like Niki. I figured you and I could never live together a long time ago, because you would think I'm anal retentive and I would think you were flighty! :) HA! But I love you anyway! (P.S. I married someone just like me, and that is both a blessing and a curse.)

Tawnya said...

Krystal: That's funny you and Niki are both my friends and both ENFJs! Honestly, I would have gotten yours right, except that
I would have guessed you as a P. Now that you mentioned it, I remember some slightly "anal retentive" qualities as you called them, like the fact that you hate being surprised. But I also remember that you were pretty spontaneous. I mean after all, you quit your job and moved to AL for some guy all within a short amount of time (and look how well that turned out, by the way!). And how about the fact that suddenly I hear you're running for mayor and opening a coffee shop and becoming an EMT?! I guess I see both sides in you.

RANT: (noun) a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion. RAVE: (noun) An extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review. RAMBLING: (noun) A walk without a definite route, taken merely for pleasure (I'm sure this applies to writing too). So if I'm completely honest, I'm rarely a ranter, seldom a raver, but often a rambler. Come stroll with me.....