Recording was not as tedious as I thought it might be. There were about 200 people there. We all brought earbuds, which we plugged in to listen to the beat and pitch of the songs. Keith was very energetic and although he's very talented musically, he wasn't rude or demanding when we goofed and had to re-record something. Here's our group in the chapel turned recording studio and Ann and I (with Allen in background) at a late night food run on Friday night.

We recorded Friday night and Saturday morning and then spent the rest of the day sightseeing. First we went to the Parthenon, which was an awesome full-scale replica of the actual Parthenon, including a 41 foot statue of Athena, an artist's rendition of what the original may have looked like....pretty stunning!

Next, we headed to the GOO, as Allen called it....The Grand Ole Opry Hotel. Who knew a hotel could be so grand? It's the largest non-gaming resort under one roof in the world. I had heard it was pretty awesome. I guess it was one of those kinds of things where you had to see it to believe it. This place was huge. It had several large areas that really created a relaxing ambience. One area looked like a vignette from a Southern landscape, with gardens, balconies, and boutiques housed in Southern style architecture. There was a canal and we took a canal ride through this particular atrium. There were waterfalls you could walk behind, trails to explore and beautiful vegetation. Here are some shots (that don't do it justice).....
After GOO, we did a little shopping at the Opry Mills shops. A few locals recommended we eat at Demos' restaurant downtown so we set out in search. We found a parking garage and cleared the height requirement clearance bar. However, once we got in the garage, we found that our van really wasn't going to fit. We had some tense moments as we literally scraped under a few of the clearings.....
That was definitely worse than the nails on the chalkboard sound.
We left this morning at 5:30 am. And wouldn't you know, we opened our doors and saw this....
First time it had snowed in Nashville in 3 years. We made it home though, thanks to Ann and Allen's driving.
How does one get included in a trip like this? I am really interested. I have met Keith Lancaster once at Tulsa Workshop, and my husband's uncle sang (bass) with Keith's group in college.
I am glad that you had a fun trip, and a safe one.
Wow, what a great addition to your resume! You'll have to let me know when your CD comes out! :)
I'm glad you got to sight-see as well--those are some fun pictures! (Except the van one, that is insane!!)
Chelf: I guess it's a matter of having the right connections. Our worship minister knows Keith and Keith called him up and asked him to assemble a group to come.
Patty: Yes, thanks. I'll let you know. Yes, the van thing was insane!
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