Monday, August 20, 2007

Milan's First Post

For some odd reason, my Auntie T stranded me for over a week (and that's a lot in the life of a 2 month old!). We went from full adoration on an almost daily basis, to no one sitting and staring at me (except the folks and they don't count). I want non-familial adoration, by golly! (I guess Aunt T is family, but you know what I mean!). Here's how I feel about that......

I'm thinking about forgiving her. She says she was out of state!

And she says it was my mom and dad that moved away from her while she was in Colorado! Hmmmph! I'll save some of these glares for them!
Well I was thinking about forgiving her, but then she decided to post this!

Just wait until I have the power to veto her photo selections!


Anonymous said...

What a cutie! How far away is this little one from you now? My niece and nephews are not so little anymore, but I miss them everyday!

Niki said...

lol too cute!

Krystal said...

Wow, she looks a LOT like Ben. She's adorable!

Chelf said...

Auntie Power! To gush over the babies, not matter how near or far.

Isn't she the cutest? And smart. I can see that from here, T.

E said...

She is such an adorable baby! I'm sure you missed seeing her while you were gone. Emily

RANT: (noun) a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion. RAVE: (noun) An extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review. RAMBLING: (noun) A walk without a definite route, taken merely for pleasure (I'm sure this applies to writing too). So if I'm completely honest, I'm rarely a ranter, seldom a raver, but often a rambler. Come stroll with me.....