While I was off gallivanting in CO, Sasha had her own doggy vacation at Kim and Kris' Doggy Day Spa (my sis-in-law and her sister). She got pampered with a bath, a walk almost every day, time with doting children, and a shave (a first for her). I was expecting to see her looking like a lion. Looks more like a French Poodle in my estimation. Or maybe a hot dog with fur on both ends. Here are her before and after pics:

Part of me looks at her and feels sorry, but the other part of me is grateful for all the work they did to keep her cool. She's an indoor dog at my house but was outside in the 90 degree weather there. So I'm glad she didn't have to suffer in the heat. I was a little worried she'd be like the dogs that act all embarrassed when they get shaved, but she seems fine with it.

Call me a shallow dog owner, but I'm a little embarrassed to take her out for a walk.
I think she's cute! I have to get Henry's hair cut this weekend, maybe I'll do that to him! :)
As a cat person, I don't get it when people "fluff" their dogs. I can understand a bath and a trim, but putting in bows and nail polish, and looking like a rat with pom poms makes me want to cry. Doggie abuse!
Aw, Sasha is cute, anyway. And the hair will grow back.
So I take it we won't be going to the leash-free doggie park any time soon? :o) Em
Poor baby!!! I am glad that she was able to stay cool and she is still super cute, but poor baby!
If she is fine with the hair cut, you should take her for walks...although the other pups may look at her kind of funny.
Your pictures from your CO trip are great! I am glad that you ahd a good time and Niki says she also had a good time.
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