Monday, October 8, 2007

Back by Popular Demand!

I'm back by popular demand.....OK, so to be honest, it was only 2 people, but trust me, they are popular! I've been busy lately, and as weird as it sounds, the absence of my nice sunflower picture on my old blog template was not exactly inspiring me to write much. I'm tellin' ya I'm a visual person. Gotta have pictures. Anyway, I don't know if I like how pale this template is, but I love the castle image and how it deepens in intensity.

So I've been very busy lately. I spent the Labor Day weekend in Branson with the family and the following three weekends building a deck. My brother-in-law and sister were gracious enough to come over every Saturday and help with that. My dad also came over the first Saturday and helped a lot (and cut his finger pretty good in the process). Here are some pics from the Branson trip....

Tracy, Milan and Ben eating at Lambert's, home of the throwed rolls.

My friend Keri, who was a Freshman at York College with me met us for the afternoon.

Hangin' out in the condo....Ben's trying to turn her into an athlete already.

Getting ready to swim.

At the Dixie Stampede! A good time was had by all (Except for the fact that we got stuck on the Confederate side. I wouldn't mind being a Southerner if it weren't for the whole keeping people in bondage against their will thing.)
Riding the Ducks! Highly Overrated.....As my brother David said before we left, "I would go if it didn't cost so much.... and if it were fun".
Quacking Away!
All Quacked Out!
So that's enough time on the computer for now. When I return I'll let you know how my Birthday and Murdery Mystery Party went. It was quite the weekend!

1 comment:

Chelf said...

I am so glad that you think I am popular! I have never been that before. I am just demanding. Hee hee.

RANT: (noun) a loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion. RAVE: (noun) An extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review. RAMBLING: (noun) A walk without a definite route, taken merely for pleasure (I'm sure this applies to writing too). So if I'm completely honest, I'm rarely a ranter, seldom a raver, but often a rambler. Come stroll with me.....