I've run myself ragged this week. Went with my friend Jenelle and her family to the Royals game Tuesday night, so that put me home pretty late. It had been a long time since I'd been to a game. I forgot how the stadium seats are like sitting in the back seat of a compact car (between 2 big brothers no less). Our seats were in a good location though and no beers were spilled on my purse or shoes, so I can't complain. When Jenelle sends me a pic, I'll post it here. We got free T shirts that night. It's the Pine Tar Anniversary (George Brett incident - don't ask ME to explain), so everyone that sees the shirt asks why I got paint on it already. When I get the pic up you'll see what I'm talking about.

Last night, we had a little good bye gathering at Applebee's for my friend Jenelle from work. I finally can post pics of the mug I made her over a month ago. Here are some of the co-workers posing with the appropriate monkey on the mug. Jenelle, the speech therapist with the "Speak no Evil":
And Mary Jane, the music therapist, also posing with the "speak no evil' side of the mug...I guess in her case it's "Sing no Evil".
Didn't get my picture with the mug, but picture me with this side of the mug:
And here's Beth, our adapted PE teacher posing with the mug. Guess she's just plain bananas.
When I got home, it was girls night with my summer roommate, Michelle. We went to Starlight to see the Wizard of Oz. It was a great show, but again we got home very late. On the way home, I noticed a small frog had hitched a ride on the hood of my car. It made it all the way from Starlight to Fairway. Must be some pretty strong suction cups on the bottom of his little feet.
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