Isn't it fun to get the nice little surprises God has in store for us. Here are just a couple of examples. Niki collects heart-shaped rocks. Sometimes when she is out in nature, she asks God specifically to show her some. Last week she found seven when she asked. Seven is a significant number for them, because "Sevens" is the name of their ministry. Yesterday, when we went to Garden of the Gods, she didn't tell me this in advance, but she asked God for a heart-shaped rock. As it turned out, it was late and we were tired, so we mostly toured the park from the car, only stopping to get out and snap pictures. So really, there was not much chance of finding heart-shaped rocks. As it was getting really dark, we stopped at the gift shop to browse and use the restroom. In my bathroom stall, sitting on the toilet paper holder I found a perfect heart shaped rock. I picked it up and gave it to Niki, knowing that she collects them. It was then that she laughed and told me she had asked for one today.

Sunday, I told the Nowell's about my idea for an art series and we talked and brainstormed quite a bit about it. I don't want to give it away yet, but it's about hands. I am planning to use Benny as a hand model for reference photos (I told him to get those hands manicured and insured). That night as I checked my email, I got this as my daily devotional from Max
Lucado. Coincidence? Personally, I don't believe in coincidence (or luck for that matter).
July 29
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes.
Revelation 21:4
Someday God will wipe away your tears.
The same hands that stretched the heavens will touch your cheeks. The same hands
that formed the mountains will caress your face. The same hands that curled in agony as the Roman spike cut through will someday cup your face and brush away your tears.
God is so good!! Hey, when are you finding time to blog? I'm not! ;)
I didn't know about Niki's collection of Hearts. That is cool!
I don't believe in Coincidence or Fate or whatever either. Ever read SQuire Rushnell's God Winks? He has three God Winks books. He believes that God shows us little winks of encouragement all the time, we just need to be looking for them.
Chelf: Haven't read that book, but it sounds like one I need to check out!
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